I get this question quite a bit. Like 5 times a week. I always provide the same answer, but we'll get to that in a second. It's actually a great question to ask! There are so many brands out there that make this claim, but is there any truth behind what they're pitching?
The bottom line is, no. There is absolutely no magic growth serum that will make your beard grow thicker, faster, longer, etc. Why?
Well, genetics play into this. Some men just don't have the genes for it. The good news is that there are several styles you can rock with minimal facial hair. Another factor is age. Don't get discouraged if you're 20 years old and don't have a massive, mountain man beard. Take a breather- all great things take time. Another problem? Giving up too quickly. Oftentimes men get discouraged a couple weeks in because they aren't seeing as much growth as they'd like and they have to deal with that horrid itch. Did you know that it takes at least a month to grow out a full beard? The itch WILL subside after a week or so (but we have products to help with that) and you will find that if you just stick with it, you'll be pretty satisfied with the end result.
So there are a few reasons behind my "no" answer. Here is what I tell our customers when they ask that question...
While our products won't make your beard grow thicker, faster, or longer, proper beard care encourages healthier hair growth. Utilizing the appropriate products together will prevent your beard from dryness and breakage. Also, the essential oils we use in our products, like Eucalyptus for example, are said to encourage hair growth in general. That isn't us claiming that it's a magic serum, it's just us telling you what science tells us!
With that being said, why not start now? We offer a wide variety of products that will be kind to your beard and the skin beneath it. For $38.00, you can have it all- EVERYTHING you need to get the ball rolling on your beard growing journey. This gets you the Complete Beard Care Kit, which includes a brush, wash, oil and balm. These products combined have received nothing but positive feedback from beard growers worldwide, and we're pretty sure you'll feel the same way. If you decide to give it a try and don't like the results, we'll give you your money back- no questions asked. So, what do you say? Are you ready for epic, bearded greatness?
Let's get this thing started!