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We have answered some of your Frequently Asked Questions! 


How does beard oil work?

First, let’s clarify what beard oil does and does not do. It does not cause hair to grow. It’s not a growth serum and I’d hesitate to recommend any brand that boasts that claim. It does promote hair growth by preparing the canvas (your face) and by conditioning and hydrating your beard. A beard that is well conditioned is less likely to break off on the ends and the ends are less likely to split (causing the thin, scraggly beard we are trying to avoid). Overall, beard oil works by conditioning your beard (roots to tip) giving you a well-groomed, more polished look.

What are the benefits of using beard oil? Do I need it?

To answer the question of “Do I need beard oil” would probably start a discussion on needs vs. wants. The better question to answer would be “is beard oil necessary for a healthy beard?” The answer to that question is probably “yes.” The only reason I qualify that with probably is that some people prefer beard balm. Also, some folks just have naturally full, lush beards—but most don’t. By using a conditioner on your beard (oil or balm), you are giving your beard that extra little something it needs to stay hydrated. How much you need depends on a number of things (genetics, environment, working conditions, etc.). The bottom line is that dry beards are brittle and more prone to breakage. To keep your beard strokably soft and looking great, we recommend using beard oil or beard balm.

What’s the difference between and oil and a balm? Which should I use?

The main difference between an oil and a balm is the ingredients. In making beard oil, we use liquid oil (of course); however, when making beard balm, we are not limited to oils in liquid form. Many conditioning ingredients take a solid form, making them perfect for beard balm. Coconut Oil and Shea Butter are good examples of solid ingredients. The beard balms do use essential oils, but because we have more options when it comes to conditioners, they have more ingredients are more hydrating than oils alone. To answer which one to use, I’d have to say it comes down to preference. If you’re looking for something that packs a wallop, I recommend using both beard oil and beard balm. When deciding between the two, the things to consider are the amount of conditioners you feel you need and the delivery method you prefer.

It seems like everybody makes this stuff. What is the best recipe for beard oil?

I don’t feel that there is one single combination of oils that is the best recipe for beard oil. We keep our ingredients simple—simple, yet effective. All of our formulas are well researched and we find them to be quite effective.

How do I use beard oil?

This is another one of those that may be different for everyone, depending on who you are and what your lifestyle calls for. We recommend incorporating beard oil as part of your daily grooming routine. For many, a good time is just out of the shower.  It works out quite well that way because it does tend to work best on a damp beard. Put 3 – 4 drops (more if you have a large beard) into the palm of one of your hands and rub your hands lightly together to ensure you have enough oil in both hands. Work the oil into your beard and face, working it all the way to the ends. That’s it. Use it throughout the day as needed.

Do I need Beard Shampoo?

Some men think that allowing the shampoo that runs off of their head and down their faces while showering is a good enough cleaning regimen for their beard. Even worse, some men think that using a regular, store bought shampoo is a great way to clean their beards, and that couldn't be farther from the truth. Beard shampoo does not contain harsh chemicals, because any good manufacturer of such a product knows that these natural oils are vital for a healthy beard. Mountaineer Brand is 100 percent natural, so our wash contains no chemicals whatsoever. This will successfully give your beard the cleaning that it needs without drying it out and making you look like an untamed beast.