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Pucker Up!

Kayla Young |

For those that don't know, Granny Vicars isn't a name that was crafted by a creative spark in our minds. She was an actual person, and our great grandmother. She was an Appalachian medicine woman from Roane County in our home state of West Virginia. In true Mountaineer spirit, granny lived a simple life with no plumbing or running water. She cared for her family with the gifts mother nature offered, and that was all she needed to do so. 
Meredith, Chief Operating Officer and the brains behind many projects here at Mountaineer Brand, was inspired by the history behind our granny and suggested we create our family care product line in her honor. It was a brilliant idea and such a great way to bring recognition to our family roots, so we made it happen. 
In 2014, the first Granny Vicars' products were created. Lip balm and hand salve were the precursors to what is now a complete line of products for 100% natural family care. It has certainly grown quickly, and we are very grateful for the support that made it's growth possible. 
Now that you have a brief history of Granny Vicars, we have some exciting news. In our Family Care Collection is a combo pack with three delectable flavors of lip balm- spearmint, peppermint, and our personal favorite, licorice. This trio is becoming a quartet with the scrumptious addition of cherry, and we promise, you'll love it. 
We will soon be removing the original three pack from the website, but we think it should go out with a bang. While supplies last, it's all yours for only $10.95. Being that a single lip balm retails for $5.00, this is quite a deal. To get this special bargain, simply enter code BUY23 at checkout. 
Pucker up, folks. Granny's deal won't last long!

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