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Made in the USA! A Trend?

CM Wilkerson |

The made in America movement seems to be picking up speed--or I am finally noticing it. Either way, there are so many organizations, contests, fairs, and you name it that boast the Made in America sentiment. Although the exact wording varies from company to company or event,  there are only so many ways to convey the American Made concept. Google it sometime... various groups, companies, both for profit and non-profit, pop up. Scroll down a little and you will see such names as Budweiser and Martha Stewart attached to them. 
I'm all about made in America and American made. Jobs...economy...pride... But I have to ask... Is this a fad? Just about anytime you start to see and hear the same images or concept everywhere you look, there is a burst of popularity, followed by a gradual waning, and ending with everyone forgetting all about it. Remember all of the 9/11 paraphernalia? That's not so say we, as a country, have ever forgotten about 9/11, but we're not all running to Wal-mart in droves hoping to buy the very last flag in stock. 
Aside from a time machine or a glass ball, there is no way anyone can answer my question. I am hoping this one is a keeper though. We have had the Chinese carrot dangled before us more than once--talk about increased profit margin... but we have held fast and are buying and making American made.
I am optimistic--I think this is a permanent change in our collective way of thinking. 

1 comment

I hope it lasts too. For years I have looked through clothes , boots, tools ,etc looking for the Made in the USA label. It’s finally starting to appear more often. I would hope this is in response to the American people demanding products made here.


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