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Deck the Halls!

Mountaineer Brand-Deck the Halls!

Kayla Young |

This is by far the most festive picture we have received! It makes us ever so jolly and really gets us into the holiday spirit. 
Instagram's @mandeep_is_the_best_1, Manny Dawett, has a page filled with bearded greatness and a wicked mustache curl to boot. He has created some clever beard memes and shared several of his amazing pictures with the Mountaineer Brand page. Since we so greatly appreciate his love and support, he is our very first post in the brand new "Featured Face" blog. 
If you want your awesome, bearded face to be featured in our blog, you can send us a direct message through Instagram (@mountaineerbrand) or Facebook, or send via email to Don't be shy- tell us a little bit about yourself when you send your picture so we can share that as well :)
Looking forward to seeing all the wondrous beards. Happy holidays!